About Us
The Most Influential Years In Your Child's Life
During the most influential early years of your child’s life we provide an environment where all children can develop the foundation skills and abilities that will carry them through their life. It is our role to bring out the best in your child and to foster and help facilitate their development.
We aim to:
Work with parents, families and carers of the children at Woongarrah ELC as partners recognising families as a child’s primary influence
Provide a sense of belonging by creating a safe, secure, loving and happy learning environment
Provide feedback and support to parents and caregivers as well as their children
appreciate, value and care for our environment and will practice sustainability and environmental friendliness
Employ experienced, nurturing and caring staff and educators at our centre
Provide an environment that is rich in resources to stimulate learning and development
Be open to the needs of parents and caregivers and reflect wishes and feedback in the services provided
Encourage diversity of language and culture reflecting the diverse backgrounds of the children, families and the community at Woongarrah ELC
Provide high quality care and education
Reinforce positive social behaviour
Provide a program of experiences which will promote the total development and wellbeing of the children
Recognise and be sensitive to individual differences in children